Saturday, December 31, 2016

Scripture to start out 2017

Psalm 51:1-12
Create in me a clean heart, O God.

In 2016 :
My eldest graduated high school, got her first job, turned 18, started college.
Youngest turned 12 and started 7th grade. Flew on my first plane (6 times to be exact)

Left part of my heart in Peru.

Hiked many miles.

Lost my Grandpa.
Celebrated Mom's 60th birthday.
Hiked  many of those miles with my mom.
Experienced some of the most high and lowest times- emotionally and spiritually this year in. my. life.

New fears that only some can understand.
Gained new friends and lost a few.

But I choose to give God all the glory for each of these things.


I learned the most this year that we must wait for His timing cause only He knows what truly lies ahead for each of us. (Really learned what this means)

So, I desire .... to have a clean heart and a renewed spirit and walk with Him each day, each step ....all the way.-2017!

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Lilly the Lamb

Just wanting to introduce a new cuddly friend. This is my first one, but I hope many to come to share with others and bring a smile

Introducing. .... Lilly the Lamb

Getting Ready for Shoeboxes

One hat at a time and all different sizes.
Wondering what you could put in your
Operation Christmas Shoeboxes this year?

Do you have a talent?

Don't hold back, use what God has blessed you with... whatever it is... to bless someone else!

Friday, September 9, 2016

Another "Follow Along" Project

The good thing about this "Ms.Lilly" project is that I am to the point where I can cover up with it while I'm crocheting away. 

So I know I've posted before on other projects, but this one will be my biggest one.
Usually, I'm doing scarfs, baby blankets and booties. But this time hope I you will follow along in the process of......


Monday, September 5, 2016

Clean House?

Who needs a clean house when the rivers calling your name?

So yesterday I posted about the weekend I had messing up the house and I planned to clean today. However, early morning we jumped in, did some cleaning, then grabbed the dry bag with towels and food
and headed to the river.

I normally disconnect with my phone on these trips and leave it in the vechicle and never get pictures of the adventure.
But this time seeing how it's almost the end of summer for us to go, I grabbed the phone.

All I can say is God has blessed us with some great friends and a great day!

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Labor Day Weekend

I do hope you all have had a wonderful three day vacation, relaxing and enjoying family. Many of you maybe traveling, camping, or maybe like us, you happily  hung out at home.

So what where we up to this weekend?

Little painting and rearranging!

I have also developed a huge liking for the Pioneer Woman's kitchen collection. This being so, I am slowly adding one piece of the collection at a time to my kitchen.
Cause if your anything like me, we can't just walk in buy the whole collection and walk out......though I would like to! Towels and all! Start all over with a new set.

However in all I have been doing, I have a collective caotic mess all through the house. So, the day before returning to work will consist of some major cleaning.

But would like to share some photos of the weekend:

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Don't Forget

Recently I have read a book by the popular Christain artist Laura Story, titled
"When God doesn't fix it"
Totally a must read. Very Encouraging especially if you are facing trials you may not understand.

But I would like to share some things she does not want us to forget and I don't want to forget the TRUTH:

MYTH: trials are a curse
TRUTH: trials are an opportunity

MYTH: God's primary desire is to fix broken things
TRUTH: God's primary desire is to fix my broken relationship with Him.

MYTH: salvation is gained by the things I do
TRUTH: salvation is gained by what Jesus did for me.

MYTH: the plan I have for my life is much better than the place where God has me right now.
TRUTH: where God has me right now is the best place for me.

MYTH: the church is a building with services
TRUTH: the church is the people of God as they serve one another.

MYTH: the strength of my faith is based on how strongly I believe
TRUTH: the strength of my faith is based on the strength of my God.

MYTH: I gain by holding on
TRUTH: I gain by letting go

MYTH: contentment begins with understanding why.
TRUTH: contentment begins by asking how God can use this for His glory

MYTH: I worship because I feel good.
TRUTH:  I worship because He is good.

MYTH: God can only use my story when there is a happy ending
TRUTH: God can use my story when I trust Him in the journey.

MYTH: I am defined by my past
TRUTH: God redeems my past and gives me a future.

MYTH: my story isn't worth much
TRUTH: my story is my greatest offering

MYTH: God needs my help
TRUTH: God wants my trust

MYTH: I must work to keep my dreams alive
TRUTH: I can rest when I release my dreams to the hands of my loving father

MYTH: God is withholding what I want because he is punishing me
TRUTH: God is withholding what I want because he has something better for me

MYTH: God is indifferent to the desires of our heart
TRUTH: God is able to do abundantly more than we ask for or imagin!

MYTH: things have to get better before I can get better.
TRUTH:  my situation may not get better, but I can get better.

by Laura Story

Friday, August 19, 2016

You Can Make A difference

One thing I have learned this past year is that no matter where you are in this wide open world..... You Can Serve His People!
You can be a missionary and change lives from your home.

If you are feeling that longing and desire to serve, to make a difference in another's life.. Here is one way to get started and it is that time of the year again.

I hope you will join in and share this with others and let's help as many children as we can this of 2016.

I have seen first hand how much the little things you send makes the hugest difference in a child life and to warm a mother and father's heart  to see their own child smile.

Here's how to get started now:

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

First night of class

Walking in to the unknown with excitement and a bag full of yarn swung over my shoulder. The door nob twist and the old door bell dangled as I enter in.
Books all around new and old, then over the threshold into a delightful room filled with sparkling colors and earth tones, from thick, wooley and strong to thin and delicate schemes of yarn.

With warm welcomes into a circle of rocking chairs. Many setting around with needles in hand and much small talk, I have found some new friends.

Tonight I have discovered "my time" even if it is just an hour and half twice a month. But I have began on my very first knitted sock with double pointed ends with verigated yarn and thankful for the patients of teacher.

Hope you will follow along in the progress of my first pair of knitted socks.

And many creative projects with my new homemade crochet needles.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Still moments

Though they maybe few....
When those still moments  ever happen after everyone is asleep or if there is good movie, there is normally yarn and nettle (s) in my lap.

Lately, I have been trying out some knitting (still learning) and now that the baby shower is over I can share these pics of the blanket and bunny!

And now--

 the new project (yes-in crochet) is a soon to be mermaid tail blanket for my Ms. Lilly!

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Finally Done!

If you remember in Sept 2015, I was determined to learn to knit. Well, still very much learning but if u remember I started a scarf.......
Well.... 9months later in South America
Did it make it home to the states? no... but it went around the neck of new friend God placed in my life while in Peru.

But I'm excited I finished my first knitted project that big with out wholes!

So, what's next to knit??
*for beginner!

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Clinic #1-Peru

After a day and half of travel we have finally arrived in Carjarmarca,Peru
Driving thru the city is unreal and scary when the frist time with no rules no so signs,no lights you just go and go quickly!
We survived and arrived at Vila Milagro missions.- beautiful place!
After sleeping and some wonderful food, we head out in bus in to the country side 1 1/2 hours away to a village called Pressego. The only building they have is a school, because Peruvian people desires their kids to be in school. Here we seen over 550 patients from 8:30 am to 4pm.
Very  very poor village. The children had black cheeks due to wind chapped. And the adults skin is thick as leather due to extremely hard work.
But we found most of these people had perfect blood pressure due to being in such good shape and no processed foods.  You will see them in layers of clothes for two reasons one it is cold here and second that is all they own and several walked for hours to get to see us.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Just a little Update!

I just want to share with you an update.
It is only three days away and I will be flying (for the first time ever) to Peru to serve those in need and show the love of Christ.

I have day dreamed, prayed and prayed for this opportunity. I have spent many conversations with God of why He won't just send me?
But all in His timing............

So you can imagin the excitement!
However,  don't think I haven't been through some emotional, spiritual, physical hardships over the past few months - even the recent past weeks.

Emotional- I have went through being homesick and thinking of leaving my girls and my bestfriend (yes my husband) behind. FOR 11 DAYS!

“If any man come to Me and hate not his father and mother, and wife and children, and brethren and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple.

Spiritually- Honestly I been in dark time, hurt feelings, bitterness, dry spot, sadness, loneliness!

"Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.

Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me.

Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit."

Physically- okay I'm just going open up here so you see how awesome our God is!

I have struggled with fear due to stomach issues since my gallbladder surgery about 8mths ago- fear! I'm sure there are some who know what I'm talking about here! Weakness- yes and the devil knew it, almost stopped me from going!
Then recently a kidney stone that I had had for years but it decided to move 2 weeks before my trip!
2 days after Lithotripsy for that kidney stone- I came down with Strep throat! 102 fever for 5days- iv fluids ,one shot, 3 rounds of antibiotics!
Not to mention in the past 8 mths I broke out with shingles an then a rash from head to toe also resulting in a shot and medication! Ugh!

But let me tell you! Through this down time of fever and sore throat that the devil wanted to use to discourage me (and he almost did) God turned around for the good!

This gave me down time I needed to relize I'm not alone (due to some good friends), time to read scripture, time to pray and ask Him to forgive me,  for me to forgive others, time to just cry cry cry and give all to Him that I had been trying to fix myself for months!-  HE Gave me  a clean heart before I leave. Healed the brokeness, the bitterness, sadness, loneliness  in me so I am prepared for the work He has set before me.

Ladies, we have a awesome God!
And I know through prayers from my family, my friends, my church family

I have a peace emotionally,  spiritually,  physically like I have not had for the past 8mths!

I can not thank you all enough for the prayers and support and encouragement

I ask for continuing those prayers for the next  two weeks!
But most of all I ask you to please pray that hearts are being opened and that we can show the love of Christ to all meet all along the way.

Monday, May 23, 2016

That Quick.

So all the tears, prayers, heartbreak, joys we have finally reach and have overcome graduation 2016.

I must admit I was ready for it to be here, but the day after I was wallowing in emotions. That Quick. It was over that quick.

How time has flown.

Best advise I could give a mother of young children other than keep on Praying is :
- Slow Down
Slow down and enjoy the each stage you and your child go through. Slow down and enjoy each event.

But enough emotions and let me rejoice for this new chapter in my life. In my daughters life. Looking forward to the future. New decision, new experiences, new friends, new moments to treasurer.

Starting with her new car, we where very blessed with. Knowing God had his hand in that whole process.  Amazing to look back and see how He had been shutting doors and opening others.

I know there are many more doors to close and open, but I pray we as family and for with her, as young adult, will seek God's guidance as we each stand in front of each door.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

To Him First

It's been almost 5 mths since I posted last about how this year would have so many changes.

And boy was I right!

We have faced challenges, fears, new beginnings- leaving the old facing the new. We have laughed and cried. We have grown physically, emotionally and spiritually. We have faced anger, hurt feelings, new friendships and the learning of true friends. We have learned when to stay and when to walk away, even when it hurts.

Learning to let go is the hardest
Learning to let God have my children and step out of HIS way - can also be so hard

But remembering to love no matter how good or bad a decision is. Remembering to forgive because * I too*, have to be forgiven daily. Remembering we each have our own special calling to what God has planned for our future.

It's not about you!
It's not about me!

So who am I to stand in another's way just because of what I think or because of what I feel.

Words recently I received from a close pastors wife that has been right where I am right today with her children and feelings that I have experienced as a mother of Senior, mother of a young woman......

"All the Bible studies in the world will never make up for missed prayer time... It's in those secret, quiet moments with God that He whispers the most profound things."


This is my focus .
How serious it is to take every single feeling, thought, concern, fear, person, place, situation and words you say-

Too Him First.
Too Him First.

Best thing I'm Learning is truly seeking Him in those secret quiet moments.
He is a true friend to lean on, cry too, giver of comfort and protection and wisdom.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Just the start of 2016

This year of 2016 beholds so many changes, new experiences and exciting times.
Today was a big day for us. Today my 1st born had her last senior pictures done. It was a fun day.
So yes, this means that in about 5mths she will be graduating.
In 7mths she will be 18 yrs old.
In 6 mths I will be leaving for Cajamarca Peru. My very 1st mission trip.
11 days of seeking and tending to others needs.