Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Finally Done!

If you remember in Sept 2015, I was determined to learn to knit. Well, still very much learning but if u remember I started a scarf.......
Well.... 9months later in South America
Did it make it home to the states? no... but it went around the neck of new friend God placed in my life while in Peru.

But I'm excited I finished my first knitted project that big with out wholes!

So, what's next to knit??
*for beginner!

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Clinic #1-Peru

After a day and half of travel we have finally arrived in Carjarmarca,Peru
Driving thru the city is unreal and scary when the frist time with no rules no so signs,no lights you just go and go quickly!
We survived and arrived at Vila Milagro missions.- beautiful place!
After sleeping and some wonderful food, we head out in bus in to the country side 1 1/2 hours away to a village called Pressego. The only building they have is a school, because Peruvian people desires their kids to be in school. Here we seen over 550 patients from 8:30 am to 4pm.
Very  very poor village. The children had black cheeks due to wind chapped. And the adults skin is thick as leather due to extremely hard work.
But we found most of these people had perfect blood pressure due to being in such good shape and no processed foods.  You will see them in layers of clothes for two reasons one it is cold here and second that is all they own and several walked for hours to get to see us.