Thursday, December 31, 2015

My Nurses Prayer for 2016

Dear Lord,

Help me remember always why I became a nurse. That Your kind and healing hands may be  seen through me. That they may come to know You, for I am only a willing vessel Lord,
willing to be used.


Tuesday, December 29, 2015

What or Who is molding us?

As I was reading today on my lunch break, there was a question that really caught my attention.

"What is molding you?"

I have spent some time pondering this. So, I'm asking...

What or who is molding us.....

The world?
The bible?

Are we being molded by:

John, David, Peter or Paul?

Or by

Fox, facebook, twitter  or blog?

Not saying social media is bad, there some things about it I love.
But, we as Christians, have to keep in mind, that those who do not know Christ, are watching, listening and learning by those around them- meaning us! So, are you being molded by His word so that we can be that example to others?

You see, we as Christians have Christ to follow, to listen to, learn from, pray too.

But others, they just have you...

Until they surrender to Christ themselves.

So what or who is molding you today?
What or who is taking priority in your life?

Philippines 4:7-9

Philippians 4:7-9King James Version (KJV)

7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

9 Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

A Good Read

For months I have been struggling to just read even one of the MANY books I own. I can't just pick one up and go. I have to feel it. It has to be something I'm interested in or on a topic I am struggling with or needs to reach into my heart and grab a hold.
And since nursing school has been over this past July have I have not been able to find that one book that I just can't put down. Until now.......

I am so excited to finally get to read this. I had been wanting it for awhile but just wouldn't send the money to get it. But
now I am glad I did. Just got started and I so can connect to it.

So I now you are probly waiting for the title, right?

"Women Living Well"

And here is just a sneak peak...

"The Bible is revolutionary, life-changing, extraordinary, eye-opening, jaw-dropping, and downright amazing. It is filled with romance, tragedy, heroes, good, and evil. There is suspense, drama, wisdom, and comfort. As you read, you will weep and you will jump for joy. Yet we women are too often drawn away by novels, self-help books, cookbooks, magazines, and social media. These are a poor substitute for the Bible and a relationship with God. Other reading materials steal our time away from the one book that is most extraordinary on the planet—the Bible. Those books and magazines are inviting and enjoyable—and don’t get me wrong: you may just see me reading one on the beach—but they lack the power of God’s voice. It’s only in the Bible that we find direct words from God. There is no other place in this world where we can get a direct message from God, so why do we neglect reading Scripture? Don’t we want to hear God’s voice?"

-by Courtney Joseph

So I encourage you to read it and share it and I would love to hear what you think about it, how it may touch you and your life as a women, mother, wife, friend, child of God.

Off here I go,  to pick it back up,
just had to share
"a good read"
   with you!

All my love and prayers sweet ones,


Saturday, October 10, 2015

What is on your Mind?

Remembering, dwelling, soaking in on words from a speaker I heard this weekend to a large group of women.

I can't help but want to share something that really stuck out to me
I'm just wondering how many more of you women can relate to this.

The question was asked ....
Where is your MIND?
In the Spirit
In the flesh

What is taking up your life?
What is taking up your time?

This next statement that was made really has got me thinking.

If WE have

                        Lot more of Jesus


                  - alot less of the world

= A Powerful Life!

So where is your mind?
How much time are we spending on worldly  things Vs. The amount of time we are spending devoted into Gods Word?

This was directed to me! I do find my self scrolling my phone before even opening my bible.
 This was directed to me! cause I tend to check email before I even thank God for a new day.

LORD, I ask you to forgive me where I seek other things before you.
I thank you for your forgiveness from my actions and words and thoughts that are displeasing to you.
Bring attention to me when I am putting my flesh before You and your word so that I may redirect my focus upon you everyday!
In Jesus Name

Saturday, October 3, 2015

One of my Favorite Things

One of my favorite things to do- is read.
I read some books to learn, I enjoy reading some books to get lost in my imagination. However, the busyness of life slows down my reading time....

But thru nursing school and day to day life, I have a habit of screen shooting books I come across online, that I SOMEDAY would like to read.
Here are just a few I have saved over the past year...

Do you have any good reads to recommend?

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Yarn Time!

Fall is time for yarn works!
And Guess what? It is Fall!!
Time to drag out the needles and yarn!

My Goal for this year is to only knit! I may be slow at this but I want u to learn this - I am determined!

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Catch up time!

Been a few months since I wrote!
Been just a little busy!
Since last time I wrote I have since graduated from nursing school, took my state Board testing and I am now:

Katie Presser,LPN

So glad that part is over!

But we all know how wonderful our God is, right!
And His timing is always Perfect!

The day after I graduate He opened the door to job!
The next day I became a nurse to two General surgeons!
Stressfull? Yes just a little!
Do I love it? Yes alot!
What was even nicer about this opportunity  is that it is in the same building I have worked in for 10 years as a secretary. GOD CONTINUES TO WALK BEFORE  ME!

So wondering how I finally have time to write? Well, yesterday I had gallbladder surgery!
Was not planned! But it is good timing as well, since we have a three day weekend and I won't have to miss any work!

So definitely  getting some down time for a change this weekend.
Hope to get some reading, bible time and crocheting done this weekend

Hope to be back on here soon and little more often!

Have a blessed day y'all!

Monday, May 4, 2015

Giving Him all the Glory!

So the time along awaited for has come this past week! With great excitement I was Honor to have my mother (an RN) pin me as a LPN. It has been a long 10 months! Some huge changes in my life and family, but I know without a single doubt that Gods hands have been in it all! He deserves all the glory and thanks for walking thru this time with us, thru each class, test, paper due, tears shed, friendships made, long clinicals and very sleepy drives! 
There are things big and small that people will never know or maybe ever even understand all that Gods has done in our lives the past two years!
I was honored to also receive the "Florence Nightingale" award. Blessed but there are so many awesome to be LPN's in my class. They all deserve that award! 
Blessed but All the glory is His!
And I can not begin to Thank all my friends, family and wonderful church family for all the prayers, cards, text of encouragement and yummie much needed chocolate,  over the past year enough! God has truly blessed me with some good ol' hard praying, lovin friends!:)
A loving husband and awesome daughters that have sacrificed a lot this past year- I love them so much! 

God use me where you need me.....


Sunday, April 12, 2015

A Child Needs You

Had a very blessed day to watch this young Lady stand before a crowd of people so very nervous, all because she loves The Lord and wants to serve.

Her heart has been broken for the poor and the needy. God placed a command on her heart and thru the fear of the stage she continued on to follow in the steps that Christ was calling her too walk.

I was a very proud momma to see her stand before our church and allow God to work thru her.  

She represented Compassion International today for Compassion Sunday. She reached out for sponsorships for needy children. And God moved.

six different children recieved sponsors today. Changing their lives, giving them Hope and shareing Christ with each one. 

That is what it is all about.

- check it out!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Compassion- one child at a time.

Would like to introduce you to our newest family member.
Linda "Zoe". She is from Honduras and she is 4 years old.
Monthly with only $38.00 we are able to provide her with education, food, medical  care and get to show her the Love of Jesus. We also get to send letters and pictures and receive sweet pictures.
I may not have meet her yet, but she has my heart. 

35 for I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in; 36 was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me.’

37 “Then the righteous will answer Him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed You, or thirsty and give You drink? 38 When did we see You a stranger and take You in, or naked and clothe You? 39 Or when did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?’ 40 And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you didit to Me.’

Matthew 25:35-40 

I pray for her and her family and feel blessed that God has allowed me to care for another one of His children. 

How can you adopt child to help raise and bring up learning about Christ?



"I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples."

--- Mother Teresa

Making a difference in one person, can change many lives!

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Love how God works!

Last saturday of spring break. One month a way from my LPN pinning. Three months to go to be completely finished.

Today was a snowy day, I have a head cold and I forbid to get out of my pjs! So I spent time with Lord.

For awhile now God has placed something on my heart to do.

For starters, there are two things I have always wanted to do!
1. Become a nurse 
2. Publish a book

Now just maybe those two things are close to being accomplished.

Since school had started I have been trying to find a nurseing student devotional. Not happened.

So today I decided to set down and let God work. Not realizing I had been already being prepared for this. Scripture just flowed on the paper from the highlights in my bible and my journal.
I have always wanted to put my favorite verses together,somehow. I love the way God works and prepares us long before we even know it. Twelve long hours later I do have a rough draft of what I would love to have published in a travel size devotional book for nursing students on the go!

**Any suggestions of how or who to go through to publish paperback books?

1 Timothy 4:12NKJV 

Take Heed to Your Ministry

12 Let no one despise your youth, but be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

A Day of New

    A new day of Spring and a new day of adventure. 
As I see and feel the joy and excitement of the new buds growing strong as the rain falls and the sun shines. I know it is time for me as well to see thru the rain and feel the sun, the warmth and newness of life and adventure.
    As today started it is the first day of my spring break from nursing school and sooo very needed. It is a day two of us having been waiting for for a long time. 
     The first half of this awesome day we bought our daughter her very first car. Excitement for her, fear for me! However, i know she is in Gods hands. But this is her - new!!
       Second part of the day was spent as family time and a time well needed and very much waited for by me!  I feel this will be the frist of many!
         My "new" for this day was something I had been dreaming about all winter waiting for that one good clear day and day of no school to enjoy the great outdoors and beauty of nature that Gods loving hands has made for us.
        I have spent some time this winter gathering supplies, reading and dreaming of being outdoors as soon as this spring break could begin! And it was finally here today! A day of new!

    As my family seemed not so excited about going and starting a new adventure together, I do believe as the day comes to an end, we All, have found a "new" passion of exploring and being in such fresh air as we inhale and exhale heavily as we climbed the rocks, jumped over the water puddles and snapped pictures (a lot of pictures) of this  "new" day- a "new" day of hiking!

     That smile explains it all!

    That smile on that teenager during a family outing- priceless.

    Me and my man! Not only I'm I glad he enjoys the outdoors with me. If you notice that stick in my hand, that is more than just a stick! That was made and given to me by my grandpa. He too enjoyed the outdoors.

I hope there are many many many more outdoor adventures to come. Breathing that air, no phone signal, no rush, Gods beauty, simply a new day of beauty.


      A great ending of - A Day of New



Thursday, January 22, 2015

"Post, send or share

Laying here mentally drained from nursing school, so missing my church family and wondering when God will ever open that door that "I" want- in the mission field!

And I think hum ...I'm not doing much for Him now with school, studies, clinicals, work.... Excuses....

And I think of so many places I could be and so many I could show love too. But no, I'm here in bed, trying to rest my brain! Lol! And flipping thru social media. Well, I know that is the "in" thing and so many different opinions on this matter. But I realize that I CAN use social media.     ( Facebook, Instagram, tweeter ) 
And me, laying here wanting to tell someone about Jesus! I can!! I can!!
How many times I needed a simple verse or encouragement from God and a simple click on fb and right there a sweet sister, a dear friend or a complete stranger, simple post that right verse. Did he or she have too? I mean so many people would see it! Maybe even read it! But yet they stepped out of comfort and did not deny Christ but post what verse or testimony that was on their heart for so many (believers and NON- believers) to see! And just maybe that little small simple step of sharing His word could reach so many in seconds, or maybe even that one lost soul who was looking for a word of Love, something postive, a light to be seen through the darkness.  
So I question, what is something right now in my busy life of nursing school can I do to share God with others....
"simple hit, send or share"

We maybe just traveling through this place on earth, onto our heavenly home and we may see , hear and experience a lot of darkness as we travel.

But I encourage you to stop dwelling on the negitive but seek what is good! God!
And share Him in anyway you can,
Even if that means to hit....
"Post, send or share"

Do you have a way you share Christ in your busy day with others? Would love to hear your ideas and/or testimonies!

Monday, January 12, 2015

But You can!

I can not do this! But You can Lord!

Frist day back to second semester nursing school. I'm filled with so many emotions today, from excitement to fear!
It's a new and unknown adventure in my walk. There so much to look forward too and so much to do, I'm trying hard to remember to just focus on today's task, tomorrow will have its own.
 I'm looking forward to seeing my nursing family and back to the routine of study  knowing each day is alittle closer to my goal. I also know that I can not walk this road alone!
Or at all for that matter, without my Jesus!

I ask for prayers for myself but also for my family that has loved me, encouraged me and sacrificed for me!

Most of all always give God the glory!

Hope write again soon and updates of school and encouragement from God!

Thursday, January 8, 2015


     The year of 2013 is a year, I will never forget an a year, I hope, to never forget. Though painful as it was, that year I learned to lean on God, found strength from Him, and was blessed  though some of the most tiny things that let me know that yes, God was hearing my prayers. Unknown to many people I would say this year, 2013, was one of my darkest years. There are times I almost think about the pain in the side of my face, but I have yet to continue the thought in my head, for the fear I might just experience or I guess remember the pain enough that it might show its ugly head. I always catch myself and quickly redirect my thoughts. To some this may seem silly, and to have physically looked at me at that time, you may have wondered what I even was talking about.

    To do a short sum up of that year, after about six months of left sided ear pain I woke up on Jan 7, 2013 with severe pain to left side of my entire face. Has anyone ever experienced a "Trollyhorse" in their legs after a run??? Well, that was what I  had in the side of my face continually for ten whole months! Sometimes the spasms would last up to 2 hours with out any relief.

     The Outcome? About 35 therapy treatments. 50 plus injections, numerous oral medications , 2 mouth braces, no food, very little talking and very little sleep. In April 2014 I was finally released from the doctors care and doing great. The physician and staff that treated me, cried with me and encouraged me not to give up, will forever be in my heart. I also know, they too where sent to me from God, for a week before I walked into that office, I had went alone to the alter one afternoon at my home church and on my knees I prayed for His guidance to send me to the right place. God had already that week randomly sent a stranger to me with the same experience, who later became one of my closet friends and a great sister in Christ. The encouragement she provided me to keep going each day and the prayers she said for me and with me is something I will never forget.- May God have all the Glory!

    I tell you this because I never want to forget where I was and why I am where I am now. I had reached a place in the dark time where I serious considered and somewhat planned to end everything, but I will tell you the one word that got me through those dark times was "JESUS". That is all I would say over and over and over in my head, I knew He would get me through that spasm, just like He did the last one.

     I spent a lot of time in prayer and a lot of time in scripture. I spent a lot of time reading about Job and all he endured and continued to stay faithful to God. I spent a lot of time reading of Paul and how he had a thorn in the flesh and how he had come to terms with it.

2 Corinthians 12:9-10New King James Version (NKJV)

And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 10 Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ’s sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
This verse was read by me to remember that not only is God my Strength but He is also in control.

Isaiah 41:10New King James Version (NKJV)

10 Fear not, for I am with you;
Be not dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you,
Yes, I will help you,
I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’

I can not tell  why or how I stumbled upon this verse that year, other than I know God lead me to it and this one was repeated many times as well.

God  says here "Yes, I will help you". These five words rang over and over in my head. 
   I tell you all this for His Glory, He did not just see me through the pain, but He taught me, He prepared me, He strengthened me in so many ways, I don't know how to even share them all with you. All I can do is make sure He receives the praise. He allowed me to share Christ one day to a close friend and lead her to salvation and she is today one of my strongest sisters in Christ. We speak of Him daily, we speak of His blessings each day no matter how big or small they may seem to some. But to us, it fills our hearts with such peace and emotions. To look back now and see how God moved that year in me and others around me at that time, today it is amazing to see how He is using those same people in my life today. The blessings I have received this past year and the doors He has opened and the doors He has closed, I know now, He was preparing me in the year of 2013 for what lied ahead. For so many reasons I thank Him for the experiences in 2013. If I had to choose it over again I would not change a thing. The friends I made and  the lessons He taught me......... I can only hope to never forget and always always give Him the praise.