Monday, May 4, 2015

Giving Him all the Glory!

So the time along awaited for has come this past week! With great excitement I was Honor to have my mother (an RN) pin me as a LPN. It has been a long 10 months! Some huge changes in my life and family, but I know without a single doubt that Gods hands have been in it all! He deserves all the glory and thanks for walking thru this time with us, thru each class, test, paper due, tears shed, friendships made, long clinicals and very sleepy drives! 
There are things big and small that people will never know or maybe ever even understand all that Gods has done in our lives the past two years!
I was honored to also receive the "Florence Nightingale" award. Blessed but there are so many awesome to be LPN's in my class. They all deserve that award! 
Blessed but All the glory is His!
And I can not begin to Thank all my friends, family and wonderful church family for all the prayers, cards, text of encouragement and yummie much needed chocolate,  over the past year enough! God has truly blessed me with some good ol' hard praying, lovin friends!:)
A loving husband and awesome daughters that have sacrificed a lot this past year- I love them so much! 

God use me where you need me.....


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