Sunday, April 24, 2016

To Him First

It's been almost 5 mths since I posted last about how this year would have so many changes.

And boy was I right!

We have faced challenges, fears, new beginnings- leaving the old facing the new. We have laughed and cried. We have grown physically, emotionally and spiritually. We have faced anger, hurt feelings, new friendships and the learning of true friends. We have learned when to stay and when to walk away, even when it hurts.

Learning to let go is the hardest
Learning to let God have my children and step out of HIS way - can also be so hard

But remembering to love no matter how good or bad a decision is. Remembering to forgive because * I too*, have to be forgiven daily. Remembering we each have our own special calling to what God has planned for our future.

It's not about you!
It's not about me!

So who am I to stand in another's way just because of what I think or because of what I feel.

Words recently I received from a close pastors wife that has been right where I am right today with her children and feelings that I have experienced as a mother of Senior, mother of a young woman......

"All the Bible studies in the world will never make up for missed prayer time... It's in those secret, quiet moments with God that He whispers the most profound things."


This is my focus .
How serious it is to take every single feeling, thought, concern, fear, person, place, situation and words you say-

Too Him First.
Too Him First.

Best thing I'm Learning is truly seeking Him in those secret quiet moments.
He is a true friend to lean on, cry too, giver of comfort and protection and wisdom.

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