Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Mommy moment!

You know, our children really are watching what we do. 

Yes, I had another mommy moment this morning.  Due to all the meds that I have been on the past 8months, unfortunately I had side effects to the one that seemed to be working the most. It was a "do not move in my bed or run to the bathroom kinda of day" yesterday.  

So this being, my husband had to take the kids to school. Something I do every morning and as I fix their lunch I place a small little note of..."have a great day or "love you, mom" or sometimes scripture, in their bag.

 So, I hear thru all the commotion, that my sweet nine year old made her sisters lunch box as well as her own, due to my inability to remove myself from the bed without being sick.(not so good mommy moment)

So, this morning I am up and going, getting the girls ready for school. As I fixed breakfast and their lunch boxes, she was helping me get stuff together and she showed me the sweet little note "she" wrote and had placed in her 15 yr old sisters lunchbox yesterday while mommy was sick......

What a sweet moment for this mommy and a moment of true knowledge of knowing how closely our children watch what we do!

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